Which product is right for my child?


My child... BrainSpark BrainProBrainPro Autism
Is learning at or above grade level with no diagnosed learning or medical issues
Is learning below grade level with no diagnosed learning or medical issues
Has received a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD or (C)APD but no other diagnosed learning or medical issues*
Has received a diagnosis of autism AND**
  • Is reading one to two years below grade level
  • Is working with a team of behavioral, educational, and medical professionals
  • Has no other diagnosed learning or medical issues
Has a diagnosed speech or language delay Work with a Fast ForWord Provider
Has a history of speech or language therapy Work with a Fast ForWord Provider
Has an IEP Work with a Fast ForWord Provider

*The BrainPro program may be appropriate for some children with ADD, ADHD, or (C)APD as long as there are no other diagnosed learning or medical issues. Please contact a BrainPro Representative at 1-888-750-0116 for more information.

**BrainPro Autism may be appropriate for certain high-functioning learners with autism as long as there are no other diagnosed learning or medical issues. Please contact a BrainPro Representative at 1-888-750-0116 for more information.


Products for Educators

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BrainSpark BrainPro Which one?