What is the evidence that BrainSpark Learning and BrainPro products work?

BrainSpark Learning and BrainPro products are based on current cognitive research about how the brain grows, learns, and retains information.  Using proven neuroscience principles, BrainSpark Learning and BrainPro products exercise and develop the brain's processing efficiency, essential for academic learning and reading success. 


See It In Action

Sign up for a BrainSpark Learning Free 5-day Trial and watch how much your child loves playing.


  • The most effective learning program on the market
    Different Types of Rewards

    BrainSpark has incorporated a variety of ways to keep children focused on the exercises, and motivate continuous playing.

    • During each exercise learners will receive:
      • Points for correct answers
      • Bonus points and reward animations for performance milestones
    • At the end of each daily session

      The Success Viewer screen summarizes the learner’s progress within each exercise. It also provides daily and total points for the exercises and participation bonus points for schedule adherence. These immediate rewards help encourage and motivate the learner to continue working on the exercises.

    • At the end of each week

      Parents receive an emailed Weekly Achievement Report, highlighting the child’s participation, weekly gains, and areas for improvement.

    • Throughout the program

      Learners can redeem BrainSpark Learning points online for thousands of relevant rewards including donations to charitable causes, merchandise, food, and sports gear.